Sync with your Cycle to

Unleash Your Dynamic Nature

As females, we all have a menstrual cycle.

And it doesn’t have to feel unpredictable, chaotic, or burdensome.

I support women by shining a light on how syncing with our cycle can help make meaning of our experience, build self confidence, and strengthen our voice.

My approach offers a clear framework, using the four seasons as our guide, to understand the patterns of our shifting inner landscape, tend to the pitfalls of each phase, and harness the amazing natural gifts that our bodies hold.

What To Expect:

Over 4 consecutive 60 minute coaching sessions we will travel together through your four inner seasons in real time. When your last bleed began will determine which season you are currently in and where we begin our journey together.

In each session I will:

  • Walk you through the details of your inner season to illustrate the Strengths, Sensitivities, and Growth Edges in the current phase of your menstrual cycle. I will coach you through your unique experience so that you can move with more awareness and ease in the given season.

  • Share light education on hormones, the myth of a “normal” cycle, and how to gauge your overall health from the expression of your cycle.

  • Lead you on a guided meditation to meet the inner aspect of yourself that fully embodies the given season. This archetype can serve as your private inner guide as you continue to deepen your connection to your womb, your body, and your Self.

  • Share the fundamentals on how to accurately track your cycle in order to follow the progression of the seasons. This is also essential for determining when you ovulate.

  • You will also receive an abundant resource list to elevate your process.

Ready to Begin:

The Four Session Sync with your Cycle Package:


Individual Sessions thereafter are offered on a self selected pricing model to align with your personal economic capacity:

$70, $130 or $150

Sessions are available via video calls, over the phone, and in person from my office space in Winthrop, Washington.

Honoring your menstrual cycle is a radical act of reclamation. One that holds the potential to transform your life and that of those around you.

Tell Me More:

Trying to fit into a world that always wants us “on”  leaves us wondering what the heck is wrong with us when we can’t perpetually meet the same standard from our ever shifting nature.

In truth, as females we are much more variable, unpredictable, messy, and definitely much more dynamic….and those qualities are where our true strength lies.

When we begin to slow down and sync with the cycle of our inner seasons we are able to harness a vitality and a vision that is only possible when our multifaceted nature is able to dance together as a whole, each season given its moment in the spotlight to shine.

The Inner Four Seasons at a Glance:

From my point of view, symptoms are like messengers, our natural strengths are allies, and practices tailored to each cycle phase are the remedies for our physical, emotional, and spiritual health issues.

The womb is a doorway to self-discovery that can lead us on a path to the heart of our health and wholeness.

Winter is the season of Endings and Beginnings and is a time for Spiritual Connection.

  • The Strengths are qualities like expansive awareness, visioning, and connection to our inner guidance.

  • The Sensitivities can leave us feeling destabilized, feeling permeable, and having a feeling of losing our sense of self.

  • The Initiatory Tasks urge us to embrace rest and to move more slowly, exploring our own intuition and inner knowing, and reconnecting to something larger than one’s self.

  • Honoring this time by slowing down and seeking quietude (even in the tiniest ways) anchors us and sets the tone for all this next cycle is meant to dream, create, hold and release.

Spring is the season of Rising Energies.

  • The Strengths are qualities like feeling inspired, filled with curiosity, playfulness, and a surging of energy.

  • The Sensitivities to keep in mind are that we are still tender and vulnerable as we emerge from the depths of our inner winter and feelings of insecurity or an overbearing inner critic can trample the fresh ideas, curiosity, and lightness that are the gifts of this season.

  • The Initiatory Tasks ask us to amp up slowly, play, hold a light heartedness, and create diligent boundaries that protect our tender and new emergent ideas.

  • The inner spring is a time where we are born anew and are ready to re-choose our path forward based on the inner guidance we received at the time of menstruation. It’s a time to play with, try on, test out, and experiment with who we are and what we’re creating.

Summer is the season of Peak Expression and Worldly Delight.

  • The Strengths are qualities like taking charge, magnetism, charm, ease and flow, and bold creativity and self expression.

  • The Sensitivities around being shy, fearing expressing our own uniqueness, losing touch with our own needs, and over giving can leave us feeling empty, depleted and burnt out when our inner summer comes to a close.

  • The Initiatory Tasks of our inner summer include acts of committing to ourselves and our full vision, rising to be seen in our unashamed uniqueness, and soaking up life’s pleasures to the fullest. Inner summer is a time when we can be a powerhouse of productivity, multitasking, and fun while we float on the natural confidence that comes with this season.

Autumn is the season of Discernment and Surrender.

  • The Strengths of this season include having a strong inner authority, holding complexity, heightened instincts and intuition, and utilizing catalytic provocation to make “good trouble”.

  • The Sensitivities of autumn can be harsh and ask us to face our shadows, look at our rage and grief, self criticism can feel deafening, and we have a low tolerance for B.S., which can illuminate conflicts that are calling for resolution.

  • The Initiatory Tasks of the inner autumn include staying present with our feelings, using our ferocity with wisdom to create positive change, and using our discernment to say ‘no’ to more things as an act of personal care.

  • Autumn’s gifts bring awareness to what needs our attention, what is asking for change, and points to what is not working anymore. This is a time of wild inner authority, though not always shared appropriately or welcomed by the world, learning to wield the energy of this time will radically change your life.

Have Questions? Curiosity Piqued?

Reach out to me, I’d love to hear from you!

A Bit About Me:

certified wayfinder life coach

Hi, I’m Jessica Peterson.

For the last four years I’ve been diving deep into the mysteries of the menstrual cycle and it has opened my eyes to the wisdom female bodies carry.

Before, being a person who bleeds felt like a nuisance, a burden, or something to manage. As I’ve learned to listen, this natural cycle has become something that holds me and frames my whole experience in a way that normalizes my natural fluctuations and illuminates the beauty of my multifaceted nature.

I’m offering this paradigm shifting information so more bodies can rest in the power of their uniquely dynamic nature and unleash their full potential.

I partner with clients over the phone, video calls, and in person from my office space in Winthrop, Washington. 

*Currently, in person appointments are available only on Fridays.

Impact for Real Women:

“Working with Jessica has helped me articulate and better navigate what I experience as the intuitive cadence of my menstrual cycle. I’ve found that using the framework of seasons — how my cycle transitions from winter, spring, summer, and fall — has been a valuable way to reflect, explore, and honor the changes in my experience. I think one of the most tangible benefits has been the ability to anticipate what may be coming next with openness, self-compassion, and acceptance. Because I know what my Fall season can feel like, I know how I can support myself through its transition, which in turn offers me the opportunity to experience its gifts.”

- Darcy G., Creative and Former CEO

“Learning  and exploring Menstrual Cycle Awareness (MCA) with Jessica was a deeply life shifting experience. MCA opened my eyes to understanding that my moon cycle isn’t just the days of my bleed but is a full and complete cycle including the days in between. Through MCA work with Jessica my complete cycle has become an ally instead of an adversary. In embracing MCA, I have found a peace I’ve never known with my cycle, one that has provided potent insights into who I am as a woman, has led to less pain & strife as I bleed, and has supported an overall greater well being throughout the month. I believe all bleeding women can greatly benefit from learning to sync with their cycle.  My only wish is that I had received this info 30 years ago. I am profoundly grateful to now journey with my moon cycle in this way for my final years of my bleeding. it is a gift and journey I now see & hold as sacred.” 

- Natalia Tuller, Women’s Empowerment Leader & Song Carrier

When we sync our attention with our menstrual cycle we open up a conversation with our body that creates a space for information, insight, and guidance to flow. We gain access to a wise and invaluable ally in our body. The womb itself is anchored in the ancient alchemies of birth, death, and rebirth.

Female bodies are uniquely suited to be leaders and visionaries.

Attuning to the multifaceted nature of your menstrual cycle is a key to unlocking your vision + voice.

Our periods (and the whole cycle from one to the next) hold a secret ingredient to unleashing our full potential and the dynamic power that is being a female.

The Power of The Practice

Are you ready to unleash your dynamic nature?