Integration Coach

Unlock Your Future, Liberate the Past


Are you…

Ready to let go of old habits and thought patterns that are keeping you stuck?

Dedicated to your inner work but not finding the lasting change you seek?

Still wrestling with past experiences that are keeping you from moving forward?

What is Integration Coaching?

Whenever we’re in a process of growing there comes a time where we meet the edge between what feels safe and familiar and the new territory of the unknown we are growing into.

At that threshold between the “how it’s been” and the “new and never before” we bump into challenges and limiting voices that want to keep us right where we are.

They are well intentioned in their effort because they just want to ensure our safety, but if we actually want to move forward to our next phase these aspects must be faced, heard, tended, and sometimes released.

This process is the act of integration.

Integration is about composting

old ways of being and thinking

in order to nourish and sustain

the new growth underway.

How It Works:

According to cognitive neuroscientists, we are only conscious of 5% of our mental activity, which means most of our thoughts, feelings, and behaviors occur within the 95% of brain activity beyond our conscious awareness.

When we are striving for goals, dreams, and desires we stumble upon obstacles and limitations in the unseen layers of our minds.

Integration Coaching tends our unseen patterns to illuminate unconscious beliefs and habits that are directly impacting our experience.

What You’ll Get:

This coaching is an empowering process that facilitates a higher level of personal awareness.

The results are you’ll feel more grounded, confident, resilient, joyful, and creative.

You will harness an inner freedom to be your unique self so you can courageously build your bold vision of a future you truly want to live.

I offer self selected pricing to align with your personal economic capacity. With this gesture I aim to bridge the gap between economic privilege and access to mental health care.

Individual Sessions are $70, $130 or $150

The service is the same regardless of your payment choice.

Ready to Begin:

Explore More:

certified wayfinder life coach

You’ve probably been working on yourself for a long time, but it still feels like lasting change is impossible and the results you’re looking for will never come. You believe there has to be more to life, but you’re just not finding it. You may be skeptical that it can even happen and you’re tired of trying to figure it all out on your own.

I get it, I’ve totally been there, and I’m here to walk alongside you through this time in your life.

I am certified through the Wayfinder Life Coach Training Program, created by Martha Beck. I support individuals experiencing a range of life struggles, expanding inner work, and overall personal development. My approach evokes insight, fosters clarity and promotes integration of life experiences and limiting beliefs so that you can touch joy and live authentically in the present moment.
My love of people and exploring how we live and make meaning guides my life and is at the heart of who I am.  
I partner with clients over the phone, video calls, and in person from my office space in Winthrop, Washington. 

*Currently, in person appointments are available only on Fridays.

Welcome, I’m Jessica Peterson.


  • Jessica's openness and sincerity elicited a respect for the process and a level of authenticity in my approach that resulted in transformation that has changed my life. I'm still shaking my head and wondering what happened, but I'm just content to enjoy it. Thank you.

    Ed K, northern Nevada / Retired Mathematics Professor

  • Jessica has a calming presence and is a naturally skilled listener. She has the ability to take your stream of thoughts and concerns and present them back to you in a way that makes sense. I really felt seen and heard when I spoke with her. I highly recommend her as a Life Coach.

    M.N, Portland, OR / Former CFO